Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cool Tools Con't..

Is a social networking site for just about everything. You can join a social networking group of like minded people to share ideas and have discussion on topics that of interested to you and your group. I joined the Ning Instuctional Design eLearning Group. It's my hope this group is lively and offers great discourse on eLearning. I joined last night, thus far not much new action. 

Pownce allows us to send stuff like pictures, files, music messages and links to our contacts. This could be of use to groups of people wanting to share content freely with friends, family and colleagues.

Not the most intuitive application to use. The concept to follow someone means that you can read their "twitter" posts. That's pretty straight forward, but there's not much instructions to inform you of this. Twitter posts are a lot of fun to read. People post crazy, funny stuff, like how much weight they have gained over the last week, to their opinion that our weekly reading is making them fall asleep. This stuff is way better than email! 


~Jenn~ said...

Haha! I think I was the one that posted about weight gain. :-)

It's interested for me to use Twitter, because I have a large group of friends following me and a large number of fellow classmates, who do you tailor your posts to? I don't know, I'm always all over the place.

Instructional Design Resources for eLearning said...

Same here, I was thinking you would have to have several accounts. Although, you still probably have only one cell number so if you text every follower would get your message, not very convenient. I think we should be able to create groups, let's start the twitter lobby together!
