What does it mean to deliver a powerful instructional message for online learning to our learners?
Should we have animation, if so what kind? Does audio make the presentation better? How do we include images that enhance learning? Do we need to include a print component?
Lots of questions....
Animation can enhance learning, and it can also be a distraction. We want to catch our audience's attention without distracting them from important instructional intent. Using animation to draw the learner to important aspects of the training is helpful as long as it doesn't confuse or take the learn off topic.
Choosing the right music can be a challenge since everyone seems to have a preference. Sound should compliment the instruction and come in the form of narration, sound clips that supplement the learning topic...one might want to stay away from background music!
Images can speak a thousand words, but words too can compliment an image: they can be used together. Use images that add to the instructional message, don't use images a fillers. Allowing the audience to breath and enjoy whitespace can create a stage for learning, not seem empty and void.
We would like it if we could remember everything we are suppose to learn, but our magnificent brains don't work that way, they have a tendency to forget. Providing a printable handout that reviews "key" points to help retention and provide just-in-time training.
Lots of stuff to think about...sometimes theses questions answer themselves as long as we can answer the most important question: who are our learners?